2, rue Eric Tabarly 17450 Fouras-les-Bains - Tél. + 33 (0)5 46 84 64 89
Hotel ** La Roseraie in Fouras (Charente Maritime)
Hotel La Roseraie
Stay on the edge of the beach, between the ocean and a park with hundred-year-old oaks
Hotel La Roseraie
Charming hotel close to seafront restaurants
Hotel La Roseraie
Our hotel offers 18 rooms (including 2 family suites) - Open all year round
Hotel La Roseraie
Treat yourself, you will be welcomed in a family and friendly setting
Hotel La Roseraie
Some rooms have a view of the beach
Hotel La Roseraie
An ideally located hotel facing the sea, in the heart of Charente Maritime
Hotel La Roseraie
A pleasant setting near the beaches, the casino and the city center
Hotel La Roseraie
An ideally located hotel facing the sea, in the heart of Charente Maritime
Hotel La Roseraie
Stay on the edge of the beach, between the ocean and a park with hundred-year-old oaks
Hotel La Roseraie
Treat yourself, you will be welcomed in a family and friendly setting
Hotel La Roseraie
Our hotel offers 18 rooms (including 2 family suites) - Open all year round
Hotel La Roseraie
A pleasant setting near the beaches, the casino and the city center
Hotel La Roseraie
Charming hotel close to seafront restaurants
Hotel La Roseraie
Some rooms have a view of the beach
The surroundings of Fouras-les-Bains ›

The surroundings of Fouras-les-Bains

Discover the must-see places near Fouras-les-Bains :


Oleron Island
Oleron Island
40 minutes from Fouras, the largest French island on the Atlantic coast, OLERON (known as the "LUMINOUS" island), is renowned for its marvelous fine sand beaches and its bewitching nature. On foot, by bike, on horseback; from North to South and West to East, you will navigate from St-TROJAN-LES-BAINS and its national forest, THE GRAND-VILLAGE-PLAGE (typical port of Salines), THE CHÄTEAU D 'OLERON and its citadel, DOLUS D'OLERON (for surfing), SAINT-PIERRE-D'OLERON (the capital of the island), SAINT-GEORGES D'OLERON (a traditional village) and BOYARDVILLE which faces the famous Fort ...
Oleron Island
Hotel La Roseraie in Fouras-les-Bains near Oleron island in Charente Maritime
A 40 MNS de Fouras, Plus grande île française de la côte atlantique, OLERON dite l'île "LUMINEUSE" est réputée pour ses merveilleuses plages de sable fin et sa nature envoûtante.A pied, en vélo, à cheval...Du Nord au Sud et d'Ouest en Est vous naviguerez de St-TROJAN-LES-BAINS et sa forêt domaniale, LE GRAND-VILLAGE-PLAGE typique ...

Strategically located in the heart of Charente Maritime, FOURAS-LES-BAINS offers tourists numerous leisurely activities locally and in surrounding cities while ensuring a serene atmosphere, away from heavily frequented attractions. It is also the perfect hitch hiker’s playground any time of the year (bike rides, hiking, kayaking, windsurfing, etc.). Additionally, visitors can enjoy its historical attractions  (Museum visits, Fort Vauban ...) or opt for a more laid-back experience (eating frills facing Fort Boyard, sleeping on your towel, reading a good book or just indulging in ...
Hotel La Roseraie in Fouras-les-Bains on the Atlantic ocean coast in Charente Maritime
FOURAS-LES-BAINS station balnéaire de charme. Lieu stratégique au coeur de la Charente Maritime, FOURAS-LES-BAINS vous permet de varier loisirs et plaisirs dans une ambiance calme, quelque peu à l'écart des grands flux touristiques. C'est aussi un but de promenade "toutes saisons" sportive (balades à vélo, randonnée pédestre, Kayak, Planche ...

Madame island
Madame island
Partake in a very original trek to this island which can be accessed at low tide via a natural passage of sand and pebbles called "LA PASSE AUX BOEUFS". Come and enjoy the coves and panoramas of the Charente estuary and the Fouras-Les-Bains peninsula ... It is definitely worth the effort!!! Accessible only by car : 40 mins from FOURAS-LES-BAINS.
Madame island
Hotel La Roseraie in Fouras-les-Bains near Madame island in Charente Maritime
CAP l'île Madame, petite île de la Charente Maritime !!! Promenade originale puisqu'on y accède à marée basse par un passage naturel de sable et de galets baptisé  "LA PASSE AUX BOEUFS". Venez apprécier les criques et les panoramas de l'estuaire de la Charente et la presqu'île de Fouras-Les-Bains... Ils valent le coup d'oeil !!! Accessible ...

Aix island
Aix island
Magnificent crescent of land (129 ha.); Classified "REMARKABLE NATURAL SITE"; ACCESSIBLE ONLY BY BOAT (pier 2 minutes from the hotel). Located in the heart of the Charentais archipelago, it can be explored on foot, by bicycle or in a horse-drawn carriage (during summer) since restrictions have been put in place concerning travel using vehicles. Explore the island, have fun discovering its intriguing history, learn about its Napoleonic past and its fortified village: a timeless place engulfed by the pleasant odour of pine trees and carpeted with beautiful coves of sand. Web Site : ...
Aix island
Hotel La Roseraie in Fouras-les-Bains near Aix island in Charente Maritime
Magnifique croissant de terre de 129 ha. classé "SITE NATUREL REMARQUABLE" ACCESSIBLE UNIQUEMENT EN BATEAU (embarcadère à 2 mns de l'hôtel). Située au coeur de l'archipel Charentais,on la découvre à pied, à bicyclette, en calèche l'été, la circulation ayant été limitée au strict minimum. Allez ...

Fort Boyard
Fort Boyard
COURSE SET TO FORT BOYARD! (from April to September). Located opposite Fouras-Les-Bains, between Île d'Aix and Île d'Oléron, Fort Boyard was built to protect the arsenal of Rochefort and the Charente estuary. A boat departs from Fouras-Les-Bains (2 minutes from our hotel) and takes visitors on a cruise around Fort Boyard. This is the filming location of a world famous game show that bears its name and which has been re-produced internationally: from Russia to Canada to Argentina.  Once prey to looters during its darkest period in history, Fort Boyard is now enjoying ...
Fort Boyard
Hotel La Roseraie in Fouras-les-Bains near Fort Boyard in Charente Maritime
CAP SUR FORT BOYARD (d'Avril à Septembre). Situé face à Fouras-Les-Bains,  entre l'île d'Aix et l'île d'Oléron Fort Boyard a été construit pour protéger l'arsenal de Rochefort et l'estuaire de la Charente. Au départ de Fouras-Les-Bains à 2mns de notre hôtel,  partez en croisière, ...

La Rochelle
La Rochelle
Located 25 minutes from Fouras, La Rochelle engulfs you with its coastal magic, energizes you with its invigorating air and invites you to immerse yourself in its rich historical past throughout your visit. Today, La Rochelle boasts the largest marina in Europe, a bold heritage, a captivating seaside, an astounding town hall (Renaissance building protected by a flamboyant Gothic surrounding wall) and its three towers which once testified to the power the city wielded in opposition to the state during its fight to maintain a Protestant identity.  Web Site :
La Rochelle
Hotel La Roseraie in Fouras-les-Bains near La Rochelle in Charente Maritime
20 25 MNS de Fouras, La Rochelle vous entoure de ses embruns, vous dynamise de son air vivifiant et vous invite à rêver tout au long de sa visite riche en découverte historique qui affiche sa différence. La Rochelle d'aujourd'hui avec le plus grand port de plaisance d'europe, son patrimoine, son bord de mer, l'hotel de ville (corps de logis Renaissance ...

Rochefort is worth a visit especially because of its unique maritime heritage. 45 mins north of Royan and 30 mins south of La Rochelle, this mid-17th century 'new town' is quickly accessible thanks to the viaduct over the Charente, in service since 1991. From the viaduct, you can easily see the Martrou transporter bridge upstream, a metal work of art built in 1900 as an original solution for crossing the river without disrupting navigation. The origin of a "New Town" : In the middle of the 17th century, the port of Brouage silted up and the site of Rochefort was chosen by Colbert to build a ...
Hotel La Roseraie in Fouras-les-Bains near Rochefort in Charente Maritime
Au milieu du 17ème siècle, le port de Brouage s’envase et le site de Rochefort est choisi par Colbert pour construire un port militaire et un arsenal. Rochefort mérite une visite consacrée à son patrimoine maritime unique. A 45 mns au nord de Royan et à 30 mns au sud de la Rochelle, cette ‘Ville nouvelle’ du milieu du 17ème ...

Mornac-sur-Seudre, one of the most beautiful cities in France, is a tiny jewel dangling between Marennes and Royan. Stroll through its narrow and luminous streets to discover its market halls of medieval origin and the partly Romanesque church of St Pierre along with its remarkable 12th century apse. From the top of its bell tower you can contemplate the banks of the Seudre, the preferred nesting area of Egrets, Herons and other marsh birds. As you walk along the flowery alleys enjoy the artisan workshops, art galleries, shops and restaurants. Then, your steps will take you to the port where ...
Hotel La Roseraie in Fouras-les-Bains near Mornac-sur-Seudre in Charente Maritime
Mornac-sur-Seudre, petit bijoux à 30 mns en voiture, entre Marennes et Royan, un des plus beaux villages de France. Promenade dans ses rues étroites et lumineuses. Flânez, venez découvrir ses Halles d'origine médiévale, l'église St Pierre en partie romane qui présente une abside remarquable du 12ème SIECLE , classée, où, ...

Take a stroll on the shaded boulevards, in the park, through the peaceful alleys with colorful villas or on the sea promenade lined with tamarisks. Discover the market stalls, enjoy the sunny terraces, and meditate in front of the islands and Fort Boyard...The city combines the charm of Belle-Epoque resorts with mastered modernity. Everything here exudes tranquility and appreciation for simple things. Web Site :
Hotel La Roseraie in Fouras-les-Bains near Chatelaillon-Plage in Charente Maritime
Vous pouvez flâner sur les boulevards ombragés, dans le parc, dans les ruelles paisibles aux villas colorées, sur la promenade de la mer bordée de tamaris, découvrir les étals des marchés, profiter des terrasses ensoleillées, méditer face aux îles et au Fort Boyard ... La ville marie le charme des stations Belle-époque ...

Charming hotel • Comfortable hotel rooms • Open all year round Hotel in Fouras-les-Bains • Hotel near Rochefort, Chatelaillon-plage, La Rochelle and Royan • Hotel located 5 minutes away from the pier for the Île d'Aix • Small hotel located 40 minutes from Île d'Oléron • 18 hotel rooms (including 2 family suites) • Fresh breakfast served in your room, on the terrace or in the garden...


Charming hotel • Comfortable hotel rooms • Open all year round Hotel in Fouras-les-Bains • Hotel near Rochefort, Chatelaillon-plage, La Rochelle and Royan • Hotel located 5 minutes away from the pier for the Île d'Aix • Small hotel located 40 minutes from Île d'Oléron • 18 hotel rooms (including 2 family suites) • Fresh breakfast served in your room, on the terrace or in the garden...

2, rue Eric Tabarly 17450 Fouras-les-Bains - Tél. + 33 (0)5 46 84 64 89 - Contact us by Mail.
© Atoutmédia 2020
2, rue Eric Tabarly 17450 Fouras-les-Bains
Atoutmédia 2021
Tél. +33 (0)5 46 84 64 89